Wet Dreams May Lead to Teenage Hair Loss
Released on: December 11, 2007, 2:27 am
Press Release Author: chris Parker
Industry: Healthcare
Press Release Summary: Atlanta, Georgia, 12/1/2007 - Department of Research Writing at QHT reveals that wet dreams or nocturnal emission in boys at teenage may result in hair thinning and hair loss. Wet dreams or nocturnal emission is the ejaculation of semen during sleep.
Press Release Body: Atlanta, Georgia, 12/1/2007 - Department of Research Writing at QHT reveals that wet dreams or nocturnal emission in boys at teenage may result in hair thinning and hair loss. Wet dreams or nocturnal emission is the ejaculation of semen during sleep. Boys start to have wet dreams at 12 or 14 depending upon their sexual excitement. It is normal for boys to have nocturnal emission and indicates their puberty and normal sexual growth. The composition of semen varies depending upon the health of boys. Zinc is the essential component of seminal secretion. The normal semen does contain zinc and potassium. Zinc is also essential for the growth and development of healthy hair follicles and healthy hair. Most boys have around 4 wet dreams a week that leads to zinc deficiency. Boys at their initial teenage does not recognize the fact and start hair loss or hair thinning when they get 17 to 18. Therefore, continuous supply of zinc is essential. You can get required amount of zinc from drinking lots of milk and using topical hair care supplements that contain zinc. Topical application of these supplements nourishes your hair follicles and supplies the required amount of zinc. Hair thinning caused by zinc deficiency often starts from receding hair line.
About: Quick Hair Loss Treatment (www.quickhairlosstreatment.com) connects researchers and hair loss patients together where they can exchange their ideas, find solutions and read articles on hair loss and their preventions.
Web Site: http://www.quickhairlosstreatment.com
Contact Details: Alabama City Alabama USA chris@quickhairlosstreatment.com
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